食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,3月17日美国野生动物管理人员表示,美国至少2000只雪雁在向阿拉斯加州北海岸迁徙途中死亡,死因为疑似感染家禽霍乱。
据爱达荷州渔猎局(Idaho Department of Fish and Game)发言人洛辛斯基(Gregg Losinski)说,生物学家正在等待该州野生动物实验室的化验结果,以证实这些雪雁是否死于高度传染性疾病。他称,目前人类感染此病的风险很小,更多直接的威胁是针对周边的野生动物。
About 2,000 snow geese migrating from Mexico to their Alaskan nesting grounds were found dead in Idaho, the state's Department of Fish and Game announced Monday. Although testing is still in progress, officials believe that the deaths are consistent with avian cholera.
The suddenness in which the birds died is part of the reason that experts suspect avian cholera, which kills acute sufferers in as little as six hours. “Basically, they just fell out of the sky,” Fish and Game spokesman Gregg Losinski told Reuters.