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统计:2016年美国人喜欢龙虾、饮茶 预计明年面条成热门

放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2016-12-29 11:20 来源:食品伙伴网 作者: 梁华    浏览:569  原文:
    食品伙伴网讯  据外媒报道,地理资讯网站Foursquare根据数据,列出美国消费者在2016年每个月喜欢的吃喝玩乐热门事物。
    根据数据,今年美国人喜欢去红龙虾(Red Lobst)餐厅、到古巴旅游、热议特朗普、吃冰淇淋卷、港式饮茶(点心)等;展望明年,拉面将是美国人爱吃的食物。
    今年美国人随着季节的不同而热爱的食品包括1月时的菲律宾和地中海等异国食物、5月的冰淇淋卷、6月的“Frosé”葡萄酒、以及10月的港式茶Dim Sum。
    What do Red Lobster, Donald Trump, Pokemon, and rolled ice cream have in common? They were among the biggest trends of 2016, according to Foursquare's findings.
    The local intelligence company just published its 2016 survey of What America Ate, Drank, and Saw , using data aggregated from its two apps, Foursquare City Guide and Foursquare Swarm.
    Given that the Chicago Cubs made - and won - the World Series for the first time in over a century, it makes sense that in October, visits to sports bars were up by 23 percent.
    Also enjoying a surge in consumer love were hip new food and drink items including rolled ice cream in May, and “Frosé” (a rosé wine slushie) in June; while exotic cuisines such as Filipino and Mediterranean cuisine saw a boost in January, and Dim Sum stole our palates in October.
    According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2017 is the Year of the Rooster, but Foursquare predicts that 2017 will actually be the Year of the Noodle.
    “Start slurping. We predict that 2017 will be the year of the noodle, with new ramen and soba spots opening up across the U.S.,” Spagnolo told NBC News, adding that interest in Greek yogurt will likely start to die down, while the obsession with rolled ice cream will pick up again next summer.


 地区: 国外 美国
 行业: 餐饮 渔业水产
 标签: 龙虾 消费者 面条


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