食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,9月4日一项报告指出,饮食习惯不良与缺乏运动,让美国肥胖率居高不下。美国有6州的肥胖率上升,没有一个州的肥胖率下降,且成人肥胖率超过20%。
根据罗伯特.伍德.詹森基金(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)与美国健康信托 (Trust for America's Health)联合公布报告指出,肥胖问题在贫穷与非裔社区特别严重。
美国健康信托理事长李威(Jeff Levi)说,肥胖率高到无法接受。他认为这是由于民众快餐摄入较多、不会选择营养食物以及运动量不够所致。
Rates of adult obesity increased in six US states and fell in none last year, and in more states than ever - 20 - at least 30% of adults are obese, according to an analysis released on Thursday.
The conclusions were reported by the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and were based on federal government data. They suggest the problem may be worsening despite widespread publicity about the nation's obesity epidemic, from First Lady Michelle Obama and many others, plus countless programs to address it.
From 2011 to 2012, by comparison, the rate of obesity increased in only one state.