食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,美国科学家研究发现,巧克力有助人体心脏与大脑健康。
哈佛医学院的医学教授乔安·曼逊(JoAnn Manson)博士称,我们在2014年开始筹备该研究,除了观察巧克力对心脏病和中风的预防作用,还将进行认知方面的实验,观察巧克力缓解衰老造成的记忆力减退的作用。
以往有研究发现,从巧克力豆中提取的一种物质“可可黄烷醇”(Cocoa Flavanol)对血压、胆固醇和胰岛素以及炎症有良性作用,如舒张血管,因此可能减少人患心血管疾病的风险。
Even scientific research can be full of chocolatey goodness. Scientists are recruiting older men and women to take part in a large, nationwide cocoa study looking at its effects on the heart and brain.
Spoiler alert: Participants won't get to gorge on chocolate bars, but will instead test supplements containing a cocoa extract. The researchers from Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, say the results could shed more light on what we already know about chocolate (other than the fact that it's delectable) and its impact on health.