食品伙伴网讯 据美国食品药品管理局(FDA)消息,6月1日美国FDA就自愿性减钠行业指南草案开始公开征求意见。该草案的短期目标(2年)为钠摄入量减少至每天3000毫克,长期目标(10年)为钠摄入量每天减少至2300毫克。减钠目标涉及约150类食品,需要食品生产商、餐馆、食品服务机构共同努力达成目标。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today issued draft guidance for public comment that provides voluntary sodium reduction targets for the food industry. The draft short-term (2-year) targets seek to decrease sodium intake to about 3,000 mg per day. The long-term (10-year) targets seek to reduce sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams per day. The targets, which cover nearly 150 food categories, are intended to complement many existing efforts by food manufacturers, restaurants and food service operations to reduce sodium in foods.
Americans consume almost 50 percent more sodium than what most experts recommend. One in three individuals has high blood pressure, which has been linked to diets high in sodium and is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The majority of sodium intake comes from processed and prepared foods.