食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,5月4日纽约市知名餐厅格雷莫西小酒馆(Gramercy Tavern)主厨安东尼(MichaelAnthony)获詹姆斯.毕尔德基金会(James BeardFoundation)美国最佳厨师奖。
据报道,位于纽约北,实现“从农场到餐桌”理念的先驱“石谷仓蓝丘”(Blue Hill at Stone Barns),则获得最佳餐厅的殊荣。詹姆斯.毕尔德奖素有餐饮界的奥斯卡金像奖美称。
福桃牛奶吧(Momofuku Milk Bar)的托西(Christina Tosi)荣获美国杰出糕点厨师奖;苏利文街烘焙坊(Sullivan Street Bakery)的雷希(Jim Lahey)成为杰出烘焙师傅奖首位获奖人;巴塔(Batard)则勇夺最佳新餐厅奖。
(Reuters) - Michael Anthony of the venerable Gramercy Tavern in New York City was recognized as the best U.S. chef by the James Beard Foundation on Monday, while Blue Hill at Stone Barns, a pioneer of the “farm-to-table” movement just north of the Big Apple, took the best restaurant honor.
On the biggest night of the year for the U.S. restaurant industry, New York chefs and restaurants collected other top prizes.
Christina Tosi of Momofuku Milk Bar was named outstanding U.S. pastry chef, while Jim Lahey of Sullivan Street Bakery became the first winner of the foundation's outstanding baker award. Batard collected the prize as best new restaurant.