食品伙伴网讯 据欧盟网站消息,3月份欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)在官网上发布了2015-2017年欧共体滚动行动计划(the Community rolling action plan ,CoRAP),通过了2015-2017年欧共体滚动行动计划的最终版本。新版计划中,将有134种物质会被各成员国通过REACH物质评估过程进行审核。欧洲化学品管理局鼓励物质注册者配合他们的行动,并尽早与评估的成员国开展互动。
ECHA has adopted the Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) for 2015-2017 with 134 substances to be evaluated. Registrants of these substances are encouraged to coordinate their actions and to have early interactions with the evaluating Member States.
Helsinki, 17 March 2015 – Based on a favourable opinion of the Member State Committee, ECHA has adopted the final CoRAP for 2015-2017. The draft proposal has been available on ECHA's website since 30 October 2014. 21 Member States will carry out substance evaluation in the coming three years for 66 newly selected substances and 68 substances from the previous CoRAP update. From today, the Member States have 12 months to evaluate the 48 substances specified for 2015. In addition to the initial grounds for concern, other concerns on the substance may be identified and addressed during the evaluation. Where necessary, the evaluating Member State will prepare a draft decision for requesting further information to clarify the suspected risks.