食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,美国连锁超市好市多(Costco)与花旗银行(Citi)达成信用卡协议,将接受由花旗及其他金融机构发行的Visa信用卡作为消费者在店内的结帐工具。之前好市多只接受美国运通卡(Amex)和借记卡。好市多之前表示,将在明年3月底结束与美国运通公司的合作关系。
Last month American Express said it was ending the deal with Costco because it was “unable to reach terms that would have made economic sense for our Company and shareholders.”
In a statement, Costco said:
Costco Wholesale Corporation (“Costco”) (COST) today announced it has entered into a new co-brand credit card program agreement with Citi and an acceptance and co-brand incentive agreement with Visa. The implementation of these agreements is subject to the purchase of the existing co-brand credit card portfolio by Citi.