食品伙伴网讯 据美国媒体报道,近日美国联邦当局针对健安喜(GNC)保健食品连锁店、塔吉特(Target)公司、沃尔格林(Walgreens)连锁店和沃尔玛(Walmart)公司的保健食品进行检验,发现五种产品中就有四种不含标签上的成分,通常只含有一些便宜的配料,例如米粉、芦笋或室内盆栽植物成分,甚至含有对过敏者构成风险的成分。以
The New York State attorney general's office accused four major retailers on Monday of selling fraudulent and potentially dangerous herbal supplements and demanded that they remove the products from their shelves.
The authorities said they had conducted tests on top-selling store brands of herbal supplements at four national retailers - GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart - and found that four out of five of the products did not contain any of the herbs on their labels. The tests showed that pills labeled medicinal herbs often contained little more than cheap fillers like powdered rice, asparagus and houseplants, and in some cases substances that could be dangerous to those with allergies.
1 The Food and Drug Administration has targeted individual supplements found to contain dangerous ingredients. But the announcement Monday was the first time that a law enforcement agency had threatened the biggest retail and drugstore chains with legal action for selling what it said were deliberately misleading herbal products.