食品伙伴网讯 据美国营养成分网站消息,2013年8月美国FDA发布新的保健食品常见问题解答指南草案,增加了13个问题,从而使保健食品的市场定位更加明确。
The Food and Drug Administration has given additional clarification to a ill-defined subcategory of foods by issuing a revised draft guidance on medical foods. The new version clarifies some issues surrounding branding and marketing, and in so doing, raises a few issues of its own, according to an observer.
The new draft guidance expands upon one that had been in place for several years by adding 13 questions to the question and answer portion. It should help bring some more certainty to a little-known subset of foods, a market niche that has been underutilized, according to Denver-based attorney Justin Prochnow with the firm Greenberg Traurig who has done work on medical foods in the past.