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美国Zatarain's召回Original Dirty Rice产品

放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2010-04-03 09:17 来源:美国FDA  浏览:390  原文:
核心提示:食品伙伴网导读:2010年4月1日,美国Zatarain's召回Original Dirty Rice产品,原因是其中含有未标识的大麦和小麦成分。该产品采用8盎司包装,批号7142909535。 原文报道: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - April 1, 2010 - Gretna, LA - Zatarain's has announced a voluntary

    食品伙伴网导读:2010年4月1日,美国Zatarain's召回Original Dirty Rice产品,原因是其中含有未标识的大麦和小麦成分。该产品采用8盎司包装,批号7142909535。


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - April 1, 2010 - Gretna, LA - Zatarain's has announced a voluntary recall of Zatarain's Original Dirty Rice Mix, 8 oz. package with UPC Code 7142909535 and a "BEST BY" date of JAN 19 12H. Zatarain's Original Dirty Rice Mix packages with this date code contain undeclared wheat and barley ingredients. People who have allergies to wheat or barley run the risk of serious or life threatening allergic reactions if they consume this product.

The Zatarain's Original Dirty Rice Mix package was distributed to limited grocery stores in Florida, Michigan and Virginia beginning February 15, 2010. The product is available in 8 oz. boxes, and the date code is found on the bottom of the package. The "BEST BY" date of JAN1912H is the only date code affected by the recall.

The recall was initiated after it was discovered that product was mispackaged, and as a result, the ingredient statement on the package did not list wheat and barley as an ingredient.

No illnesses or allergic reactions have been reported to date. No other Zatarain's products are involved in this recall.

All grocery outlets that sell Zatarain's New Orleans Style Dirty Rice Mix packages have been notified to remove the affected product (UPC Code 7142909535 and a "BEST BY" date of JAN1912H) from their shelves immediately. Consumers do not need to return the product to the store where it was purchased. Instead, consumers are urged to contact Zatarain's Consumer Affairs at 1-877-837-3796, weekdays from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time, for a replacement or full refund, as well as instructions on what to do with the product.

This recall is being made with the knowledge of the Food and Drug Administration. The company is also issuing an alert through the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network.

Zatarain's Original Dirty Rice Mix 8oz Package Front Panel with Nutrition Facts, Ingredients, UPC, and circled Best By Code


 地区: 国外 美国
 行业: 粮油
 标签: 包装 小麦 召回 大麦 食品伙伴网


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