据悉,这种转基因苹果品牌为“北极苹果”(Arctic Apples),是加拿大奥卡诺根特色水果公司(Okanagan Specialty Fruits)研制的切开后不褐变的苹果。
环保组织“地球之友”(Friends of the Earth)食品安全专家达纳.珀斯(Dana Perls)称,这种转基因苹果有研究不足、缺标签的问题,没必要进行研制,消费者早晚会认识到出售转基因苹果是错误的。
After years of development, protest and regulatory red tape, the first genetically modified, non-browning apples will soon go on sale in the United States.
The fruit, sold sliced and marketed under the brand Arctic Apple , could hit a cluster of Midwestern grocery stores as early as Feb. 1. The limited release is an early test run for the controversial apple, which has been genetically modified to eliminate the browning that occurs when an apple is left out in the open air.