食品安全委员会提醒人们注意8方面,避免食物中毒,这包括 不要给孩子、孕妇、老人或免疫系统有缺陷的人食用生鸡蛋;不要食用已经破裂的鸡蛋,因为蛋壳上的沙门氏菌可能已经进入鸡蛋内部;吃生鸡蛋时,不要用蛋壳分开蛋黄和蛋清,推荐使用鸡蛋分离器等等。
Research released today by the Food Safety Information Council shows that 36% of Australians are taking a risk by eating raw egg dishes, with10% eating raw egg dishes at least once a month.
Rachelle Williams, Council Chair, said that the theme of the 20th Australian Food Safety Week is 'Raw and risky' foods and raw or minimally cooked eggs have been linked to many food poisoning outbreaks.
'More than a third of Australians are putting themselves at risk of food poisoning by eating raw egg dishes. While eggs are a simple, cost effective and nutritious part of our diet you need to know that eggs can be contaminated by the food poisoning bacterium Salmonella when they are laid. While the egg industry supplies fresh eggs as safe as possible they can be a source of food poisoning if not handled or cooked properly. If you have hens at home the eggs can still cause food poisoning.