食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,一顿93美元的晚餐,却让一名美国人情愿付小费2000美元。华盛顿一家餐厅的熟客很满意特制的美味浓汤及贴心服务,大方付出超餐费20倍的小费。
He is known as a regular who favors the gumbo and a beer at Blue 44, a restaurant in upper Northwest Washington. And he's a good, generous tipper.
But the owner, bartender and chef at the restaurant on Connecticut Avenue said they were shocked when the patron left a really, really big tip - $2,000 on a $93 bill.
Christofer Nardelli, owner of the four-year-old restaurant, said the man left the tip Monday evening after he and a friend had fried chicken, gumbo and the patron's favorite brew - Old Chub Scotch Ale.