食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,近两年来,美国联邦调查局(FBI)和海关及边境保卫局查获了大量从中国进口的蜂蜜,其中包括含抗生素的劣质产品,涉及逃税。
美国国土安全部休斯顿调查机构官员哈维生(Richard Halverson)表示,休斯顿现在已经成为非法进口蜂蜜的聚集地,但官方无法确定其中的原因。
Workers at the Seabreeze Environmental Landfill in Angleton ripped open 300 55-gallon drums of contaminated Chinese honey with excavators last year and stirred the contents with layers of regular old American garbage.
Then they buried the sticky mess.
“When we're done with it, the bees don't even want it,” said Brian Karp, district manager for the landfill operator.