食品伙伴网讯 据营养配料网站消息,欧盟正在审查新型食品授权法规,可能对其实施集中监管,剥夺成员国的主要风险评估职责。但是英国新型食品及加工咨询委员会(ACNFP)指出,监管新型食品授权的法规不可能在2016年前作出改变。
The EU is reviewing the regulation of novel foods authorisation, which could see the 28 Member States (MSs) stripped of their main risk assessment role as the procedure is centralised, bringing it in line with that used to authorise additives.
Under current rules, all novel ingredients and processes that have not been consumed to a "significant degree" in the EU before May 15 1997 have to be approved by competent authorities in each MS. In the UK, the Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) is the competent body, that has been in existence since 1988 and provides authorisation for novel foods and processes.