食品伙伴网讯 据美国食品安全新闻网报道,近日加拿大一家公司推出了可抑制丙烯酰胺的酵母添加剂,并且已经获得了美国食品药品管理局的GRAS认可。
这种新产品由加拿大功能性技术公司(Functional Technologies Corp)推出。丙烯酰胺广泛存在于食品与饮料中,是一种神经毒素,而且具有致癌性。
Acrylamide-preventing yeast strains might not sound like something worth celebrating, but do not tell that to the folks at Functional Technologies Corp.
Acrylamide is a known lethal neurotoxin that sometimes occurs in cooked starchy foods, which causes some concerns about carcinogenicity of those foods.
The Canadian firm's recent experience shows how an important public safety designation can be obtained without giving up any trade secrets.
The Vancouver, BC company's has won the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's designation of "generally recognized as safe," or GRAS, for its acrylamide-preventing yeast strains.
Any substance that is intentionally added to food must be subjected to FDA's premarket review and approval unless the substance is recognized as GRAS, meaning that among experts it been shown to be safe for its intended use.
There's always an electronic lineup of substances seeking FDA's acceptance as GRAS. Functional Technologies was in that line with acrylamide-preventing yeast strains since February.
"The food industry, in multiple product categories such as bread/baked goods and numerous snack food and cereal products, now has the means to significantly and efficiently minimize acrylamide in the manufacturing of their products," says Dr. John Husnik, senior scientist at Functional Technologies.
Carlos Barroso, who serves on the Functional Technologies advisory board, explains: "Acrylamide mitigation is an ongoing challenge for many food and beverage products. The introduction of this proprietary yeast offers a unique approach for reducing acrylamide and will help food and beverage manufacturers with the challenge."