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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2010-03-08 09:13 来源:美国FDA  浏览:426  原文:
核心提示:食品伙伴网导读:2010年3月5日,美国一公司宣布召回海鲜酱产品,原因是其中含有未标识的芹菜和凤尾鱼。 原文报道: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- March 05, 2010 - Rochester, NY - Ed Roller, Inc. of Rochester, NY is voluntarily recalling Wegmans Food You Feel Goo



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- March 05, 2010 - Rochester, NY - Ed Roller, Inc. of Rochester, NY is voluntarily recalling Wegmans Food You Feel Good About® Medium Seafood Sauce, 9 ounce glass jar, UPC #77890 84032, because the product may contain undeclared soy and anchovies. Only those jars with a sell-by date up to and including April 21 are included in this recall. The sell-by date is heat stamped on the label.

People who have allergies to soy or anchovies run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume this product. To date, no illnesses have been reported in connection with this problem.

The recalled product is packaged in a 9 oz. clear glass jar with a white screw top and was distributed to 75 Wegmans Food Markets in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, and Maryland.

The recall was initiated after a recent inspection by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets revealed the omission of Worcestershire sauce in the ingredient statement of this product. Worcestershire sauce is made with ingredients that include soy and anchovies. Production of this product has been temporarily suspended until corrective actions are taken.

Consumers who have purchased Wegmans 9 oz. Food You Feel Good About® Medium Seafood Sauce, , UPC #77890 84032 may return the product to Wegmans for a full refund. Consumers with questions or concerns may contact Wegmans’ consumer affairs department at (800) 934-6267, ext. 4760 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m EST.


 地区: 国外 美国
 行业: 渔业水产 果蔬
 标签: 海鲜 芹菜 召回 食品伙伴网


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