食品伙伴网讯 据澳新食品标准局(FSANZ)消息,由于原产地标签规定 (CoOL) 在《澳大利亚消费者法》(ACL)中已有详细体现,6月29日澳新食品局发布公告,将澳新食品标准法典中的原产地标签规定删除。
The Australian Government has introduced a new country of origin labelling (CoOL) framework. In this framework, CoOL requirements in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) have been included in the Australian Consumer Law (the ACL) through the introduction of a new information standard under the ACL (the ACL information standard).
The ACL information standard essentially replicates the requirements of Standard 1.2.11 –Information requirements – country of origin labelling (except for the specific requirement to provide CoOL for food for sale to caterers). In addition, the new ACL information standard requires specified 'priority' foods to include extra labelling information.
Implementation of the new ACL information standard will mean Standard 1.2.11 will become redundant. Therefore Standard 1.2.11 and associated references to CoOL in two other standards need to be removed from the Code.