食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,由于近来出现四起因食用进口冷冻浆果而引发的甲肝疫情,在野党呼吁应强制要求所有在新西兰销售的食品标示原产国。
The hepatitis A berry outbreak has highlighted that consumers are in the dark about wher their food comes from, the Green Party said today.
Four cases of hepatitis A have been traced back to frozen imported berries, but consumers cannot choose to buy local berries because no country of origin labelling is required, and the Ministry of Primary Industries refuses to say which brands are involved.
“People should be able to find out wher their food comes from, so they can make informed choices about what they eat and feed to their children,” said Green Party food safety spokesperson Steffan Browning.