食品伙伴网讯 据美国食品安全新闻网消息,美国阿肯色大学法学专家马兰达.怀特(Maranda White)撰文称,美国食品安全现代化法案(FSMA)的实施有助改变滥用添加剂的状况。
美国现在的食品添加剂法规建立在1958年美国国会修订的《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》,该法规要求所有的新增食品添加剂都必须经过FDA专家的评估和批准,除非该添加剂已被证明“一般公认安全(Generally Recognized as Safe,GRAS)”。
In 1958, Congress amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) to establish new regulatory and procedural requirements for the use of novel food additives.
FDA has called FSMA “the most sweeping reform of our food safety laws in more than 70 years.” Under the Act, FDA has the authority to compel food facilities to inform FDA of GRAS determinations and provide proof that generally recognized as safe means just that. FDA should seize this opportunity to inform itself and consumers about the true state of our food supply and finally capture the “Great White Whale” of food safety.