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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2015-03-16 14:07 来源:食品伙伴网  浏览:348  原文:
核心提示:据欧盟食品安全局消息, 3月12日欧盟食品安全局公布了2013年欧盟食品农药残留报告。报告包含27个欧盟成员国及冰岛和挪威市售的80967份食品样品,检测范围共包含685种农药的残留量,平均每种样品检测200种农药残留。

    食品伙伴网讯  据欧盟食品安全局消息, 3月12日欧盟食品安全局公布了2013年欧盟食品农药残留报告。报告包含27个欧盟成员国及冰岛和挪威市售的80967份食品样品,检测范围共包含685种农药的残留量,平均每种样品检测200种农药残留。结果发现,97%的食品中农药残留量在法定范围之内;54.6%的食品中未检出农药残留;1.5%的食品中农药残留量在忽略任何测量误差条件下超过法定限值。


    The results of the control activities related to pesticide residues in food carried out in 2013 in the EU Member States, Norway and Iceland (hereafter referred to as reporting countr ies) are summarised in this report. In total, 80 967 samples of a wide variety of unprocessed raw agricultural commodities and processed food products were analysed for residues of 685 distinct pesticides. A substantial number of samples (8 270) were taken for products from third countries, which are subject to increased import controls under Regulation (EC) No 669/2009.

    In the framework of the EU-coordinated monitor ing programme, which aims to provide statistically representative results for the EU, 11 582 samples of 12 different food commodities were analysed for 209 distinct pesticides. Overall, 97.4 % of the tested food samples fell w ithin the legal limits and 54.6 % of the samples contained no quantif iable residues at all. In general, a higher prevalence of residues exceeding the Maximum Residue Levels (MRL) was observed for products imported from third countr ies (5.7 % for imported products versus 1.4 % for products produced in reporting countr ies)。





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