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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2009-06-09 16:42 来源:英国食品标准局  浏览:602  原文:
核心提示:食品伙伴网导读:2009年6月5日,英国食品标准局确定贝类产品产地区域划分。 原文报道: The Agency has agreed the 2009/10 classification areas for shellfish production in Scotland in accordance with European Union legislation. The document listing the cla



The Agency has agreed the 2009/10 classification areas for shellfish production in Scotland in accordance with European Union legislation. The document listing the classifications came into affect from 1 April 2009.

Shellfish production areas are classified according to the results of monthly microbiological sampling that monitors the amounts of E.coli per 100g of shellfish flesh.

Classified production areas fall into three classes (see below) and refer to areas where E.coli has been found. Areas with greater levels of E.coli than class C are designated as ‘prohibited’ and are those considered unsuitable, for public health reasons, for harvesting shellfish.

  • Class A: refers to areas equal to or with less than 230 E.coli per 100g of flesh
  • Class B: refers to areas with greater than 230 up to 4,600 E.coli per 100g of flesh in at least 90% of samples
  • Class C: refers to areas greater than 4,600 to 46,000 E.coli per 100g of flesh
  • Prohibited: greater than 46,000 E.coli per 100g of flesh

All shellfish must meet class A standards before it can be placed on the market and sold. Shellfish from classes B and C will need further processing, for example purification or heat treatment in an establishment approved for this purpose. It is the responsibility of the food business operator to make sure that shellfish being placed on the market meet end-product criteria stipulated in European Union legislation.

A full list of classified shellfish harvesting areas in Scotland can be found at the link below.

For further information, please contact Lisa Harper, tel: 01224 288378; or Lorna Murray, tel: 01224 285114.




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