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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2009-03-12 16:40 来源:食品伙伴网  浏览:873  原文:
核心提示:食品伙伴网导读:2009年3月11日,加拿大就碎牛肉发出预警,原因是他们可能被大肠杆菌O157:H7污染。 原文报道: OTTAWA, March 11, 2009 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume certain ground beef products described b



OTTAWA, March 11, 2009 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume certain ground beef products described below because these products may be contaminated with coli coli O157:H7.

The following ground beef products, sold in Manitoba, Northwest Territories and Ontario, are affected by this alert.

Brand/Store Products Codes/Dates
Dakota Family Foods
1099 Mary's , Winnipeg , Winnipeg Mary's , Winnipeg
Regular Ground Beef Packed On dates between March 2 and 9, 2009, inclusive.
Dakota Family Foods
1099 Mary's , Winnipeg , Winnipeg Mary's , Winnipeg
Lean Ground Beef Packed On dates between March 2 and 9, 2009, inclusive.
Family Foods
1881 Portage , Winnipeg , Winnipeg
Ground Beef Regular Packed On dates between March 3 and 9, 2009, inclusive.
Family Foods
1881 Portage , Winnipeg , Winnipeg
Lean Ground Beef Packed On dates between March 3 and 9, 2009, inclusive.
Family Foods
1881 Portage , Winnipeg , Winnipeg
Ground Beef Extra Lean Packed On dates between March 3 and 9, 2009, inclusive.
Yellowknife Direct Charge Co-op
Range Fed Lean Ground Beef Purchased between February 8 and March 10, 2009, inclusive.
Shop Rite Fine Foods
Lean Ground Beef Best Before dates between 2009MR05 and 2009MR11, inclusive.
Shop Rite Fine Foods
Medium Ground Beef Best Before dates between 2009MR05 and 2009MR11, inclusive.

The following products, sold in British Columbia are also affected by this alert. They were sold only from the following Thrifty Foods stores (appear on the bottom of the label): #1 - Fairfield, # 2 - Quadra, #3 - Mill Bay, #7 - Nanaimo, #8 - Colwood, #9 - Broadmead, #12 - Courtenay, #14 - Central Saanich, #16 - Longwood Station, #17 - Hillside, # 18 - Tsawwassen, #19 - Campbell River and #20 - Coquitlam.

Product UPC begins with Best Before Dates
Beef Ground Sirloin Extra Lean 2 91639 Between 2009.12 and 2009.12, inclusive.12, inclusive.12 and 2009.12, inclusive.
Extra Lean Ground Beef 2 01634 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Extra Lean Ground Beef Family Pack 2 01639 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Lean Ground Beef 2 01643 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Lean Ground Beef Family Pack 2 01648 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Meat Loaf (veal pork beef) 2 01684 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Medium Quality Ground Beef 2 01652 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Medium Quality Ground Beef Family 2 01657 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Regular Quality Ground Beef 2 01661 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Regular Quality Ground Beef F 2 01666 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Ground Round 2 21643 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Ground Sirloin Extra Lean 2 11639 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Lean Ground Beef 2 21648 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Lean Ground Beef Family Pack 2 31648 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Burger Bacon Cheddar 2 71678 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Burger Blue Cheese 2 61678 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Burger Red Feta Feta Red Feta 2 51678 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Ground Chuck Patties 2 41648 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Burger Bacon Cheddar 2 21678 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Stuffed Bell Peppers 2 91708 Between 2009.12 and 2009.12, inclusive.12, inclusive.12 and 2009.12, inclusive.
Beef Ground Chuck 2 21693 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Ground Sirloin 2 21699 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Ground Chuck 2 01693 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Ground Chuck Family Pack 2 31693 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Ground Sirloin 2 01699 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Lean Ground 2 11767 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12
Beef Lean Ground Family Pack 2 21767 Between 2009.12 and 2009.121212 and 2009.12

There has been no reported illness associated with the consumption of these products.

Food contaminated with coli coli O157:H7 may not look or smell spoiled. Consumption of food contaminated with this bacteria my cause serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses. Symptoms include severe abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Some people may have seizures or strokes and some may need blood transfusions and kidney dialysis. Others may live with permanent kidney damage. In severe cases of illness, people may die.

The retailers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. The CFIA is monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.





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