欧盟专家组对卡拉牙树胶的安全性进行评估发现,卡拉牙树胶的基因毒性不会对人体构成影响,动物实验1250 mg/kg 体重每天的剂量下未产生毒性。人体按照100 mg/kg 体重每天的剂量服用的耐受性较好,因此专家组得出结论认为,没有必要制定确切的卡拉牙树胶ADI值,然而成人每天的摄入量不能超过7000mg。
Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient sources added to Food (ANS) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the re-evaluation of karaya gum (E 416) as a food additive. Karaya gum (E 416) is an authorised food additive in the EU. Karaya gum (E 416) as specified in the Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 is derived from the exudates from the stems and branches of strains of Sterculia urens Roxburgh and other species of Sterculia (family Sterculiaceae) or from Cochlospermum gossypium A.P. De Candolle or other species of Cochlospermum(family Bixaceae)。 The Panel concluded that there is no safety concern at the refined exposure assessment for the use of karaya gum as a food additive and that there is no need for a numerical ADI for karaya gum. The Panel further concluded that exposure to karaya gum by the use of this food additive should not exceed 7,000 mg/person per day in adults, the level at which some experienced abdominal discomfort.