食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,近来在澳大利亚各大超市出售的草莓价格普遍比较低。上周日,盒装草莓在科尔斯超市(Coles)的价格居然低至80分,低价水果引发果农们抱怨。
昆士兰州阳光海岸的草莓种植户Lillian McMartin称,Coles、Woolworths和IGA三大超市控制了这个市场。他们把草莓售价降到一个荒唐的水平,已经低于我们的生产成本了。
Have you noticed strawberries are berry cheap at the moment?
Punnets were selling for as low 80 cents in Coles supermarkets on Sunday, which is excellent news for fruit lovers, but not so great for farmers.
While some farmers blame a strawberry glut in Queensland and Western Australia, others say the big supermarkets are forcing prices down to unsustainable levels.
“Coles and Woolies and IGA control the market,” strawberry grower Lillian McMartin said, from Queensland's Sunshine Coast.