食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,大型乳企迈高(Murray Goulburn)公司和恒天然(Fonterra)已将牛奶固形物(milk solids)的价格降到低于许多奶农的成本价格,导致奶农损失惨重。
据报道,澳洲证券与投资委员会(The Australian Securities and Investment Commission)正在对迈高公司进行调查,澳洲竞争与消费者委员会(Australian Consumer and Competition Commission)也承认正在调查这两家公司。
维省西南万农(Wannon)选区的联邦议员特汉(Dan Tehan)说,联邦政府将等待这两家公司的调查结果,但在此期间有望推出针对陷入困境奶农的援助方案。
The Federal Government has mooted an assistance package for the dairy industry amid criticisms it has taken too long to respond to cuts to farmgate milk prices.
Dairy giants Murray Goulburn and Fonterra have dropped the price of milk solids to below the cost of production for many farmers, leaving some out of pocket by more than $3,500 a month.
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission is inquiring into Murray Goulburn's actions and the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission has since confirmed it is investigating both companies.