食品伙伴网讯 据欧盟网站消息,6月12日欧盟发布(EU)2015/897号法规,批准盐酸硫胺和硝酸硫胺作为饲料添加剂。该法规自公布二十日起生效。
Article 1
The substances specified in the Annex, belonging to the additive category 'nutritional additives' and to the functional group 'vitamins, pro-vitamins and chemically well-defined substances having similar effect‘, are authorised as feed additives in animal nutrition subject to the conditions laid down in that Annex.
Article 2
1. The substances specified in the Annex and premixtures containing those substances, which are produced and labelled before 2 January 2016 in accordance with the rules applicable before 2 July 2015 may continue to be placed on the market and used until the existing stocks are exhausted.
2. Compound feed and feed materials containing the substances specified in the Annex which are produced and labelled before 2 July 2016 in accordance with the rules applicable before 2 July 2015 may continue to be placed on the market and used until the existing stocks are exhausted if they are intended for food-producing animals.
3. Compound feed and feed materials containing the substances specified in the Annex which are produced and labelled before 2 July 2017 in accordance with the rules applicable before 2 July 2015 may continue to be placed on the market and used until the existing stocks are exhausted if they are intended for non-food-producing animals.