Venue: No. 1 Conference Room of Dalian World Expo Center, Dalian City, P. R. China
Theme: China’s important role in seafood globalization
China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA)
World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF)
联系人:contact way:
李凯杰 Ms. Li kaijie
电话Tel:+86-10-65031381;传真Fax:+86-10-65041505 ;
Sustainable Seafood Forum (SSF2013)Agenda
Afternoon November 3rd: Registration
11月4日November 4th:
8:30-9:00 开幕式 Opening Ceremony
Opening Remark by MOA
Opening Remark by WWF-China, Dr. Li Nan
主持人:中国水产流通与加工协会 常务副会长 崔和博士
Moderator :Dr. Cui He, CAPPMA Executive Vice President
9:00-10:40 专题一 全球渔业可持续发展现状
Session 1: Global overview of Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry
1. 可持续渔业的重要意义及如何实现水产品的可持续发展
The importance of Sustainability and Seafood Industry by WWF
2. 中国水产品的可持续发展进程及与全球的关联
China Role’s in global Sustainable Seafood Development by Cui He, CAPPMA Executive Vice President
3. 海洋捕捞水产品如何实现可持续发展
Sustainable Practice in Global Wild Caught Fishery and Market by Kelvin Ng, MSC Asia Pacific Director
4. 养殖水产品如何走上可持续发展之路
How to Encourage the Sustainability of World Aquaculture, by Chris Ninnes, ASC CEO
主持人Moderator:SFE Peter Radmayne
10:40-11:00 茶歇 Tea Break
11:00-12:40 专题二 区域水产品可持续发展现状
Session 2: Regional Status of Sustainable Seafood Industry Development
1. 欧盟可持续水产品的供销现状及前景
European Demand for Sustainable Seafood and Supply by Stephen Parry, AIPCE
2. 美国水产品可持续模式的演进
Sustainable Seafood Industry US Module by NFI
3. 俄罗斯实现水产品可持续发展的举措
Russian Practice in the improve of Sustainable Fishery by WWF-Russia
4. 中国水产品可追溯体系构建
China Traceability System Development on Sustainable Seafood Supply
12:40-14:00 自助午餐Lunch Break
14:00-15:40 专题三:水产品可持续生产
Session 3: Industry view on Sustainable Practice
1. 中国可持续水产品的生产动力及改进方法
China Case study of Sustainable Fishery production
2. 美国阿拉斯加渔业的良好管理经验
Good Practice of Alaska Fishery
3. 挪威渔业的可追溯体系模式及可借鉴的管理经验
Norway case study of traceability
4. 智利水产品可持续发展的经验与教训
Chili Experiences of Sustainable Seafood
5. 渔业可持续发展在企业的实施与动力
Sustainability as motivation to fishery improvement
6. 新西兰可持续水产业的发展现状及经验分享
Development of New Zealand Sustainable Seafood and Experience Exchange by Mr. Eric Barratt, Chairman of Seafood New Zealand & Managing Director of Sanford Ltd
15:40-16:00 茶歇Tea Break
16:00-17:20 专题四:水产品可持续消费
Session 4: Market demand for sustainable seafood consumption
1. 零售企业的代表
Representatives from retailers
2. 食品连锁经营企业代表
Representatives from Food Services
3. 中国连锁经营产业模式及分析
China chain operation industry developing mode
4. 中国餐饮行业转型及理念革新
China food servicing industry reconstruction and ideal
主持人Moderator:Dr. Li Nan WWF-China Director
17:20-17:40 水产品可持续发展倡议 签字仪式
Announcement of China Sustainable Seafood Initiative
17:40-20:00 邀请晚宴
Hospitality dinner